Welcome to our home on the web. Silva Architects (SA) is highly experienced architecture firm located in Elgin, Illinois, serving at the heart of Fox Valley Region.
We specialize in Commercial Office, Retail and Industrial Architecture, Land Planning, Space Planning, Interior Design and Custom Residential Architecture. SA also offers a wide range of design solutions that should fit most architectural needs.
Our working relationship with Design Build Contractors and Developers allows us to assist the client in assembling a Team Approach to the Architectural Design and Construction Process. Please, feel free to contact us if you have any questions and thank you for visiting our site.
Stephen F. Silva, AIA, LEED AP - President & Principle Architect

Featured Project: Siemens Industial Building
A newly completed 45,000 S.F. industrial building for the Siemens Corporation, modeled after an existing plant in Bocholt, Germany.
CLICK HERE to see image gallery for this project!
Featured Project: Animal Eye Consultants
CLICK HERE to see the our latest "photo-realistic" 3D computer rendered images of this new office building!
Featured Project: Wayside Cross Ministries
We've recently finished the design work for an exciting new project!
The Wayside Cross Ministries new "Masters Touch Program Building".
This new building will replace their existing facilities located in downtown Aurora, IL
Please see our portfolio page for the latest design illustrations on this project. CLICK HERE
Featured Project: Our first LEED project.
Due to the current economic and environmental conditions, Silva Architects is now offering LEED services to our clients. Mr. Silva and two staff members have become LEED AP's this year and we are working on a 170,000 sq.ft. office manufacturing facility. We look forward to assisting our clients meet the needs of this constantly changing world and are excited about doing our part in minimizing the environmental impact of our projects.
Please see our portfolio page for the latest design illustrations on this project. CLICK HERE